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59 people confirmed dead epidemic of Guinea , and Ebola hemorrhagic fever

The 22nd , West Africa Guinea Ministry of Health announced that it has been confirmed infectious disease with high infectivity a very prevalent in the country 's southern Ebola hemorrhagic fever .
Dead so far due to this disease is up to 59 people . According to Guinea Ministry of Health , it was not possible to determine in Guinea domestic identity of this disease with symptoms vomiting and diarrhea ( vomiting ) , and bleeding was first observed 6 weeks ago , it was analyzed sample researchers (Lyon) France Lyon that confirms that it is Ebola hemorrhagic fever . Sakoba Keita in charge of disease prevention in the Department of Health (Sakoba Keita) doctor , Ebola infection is expanding from February 9 in Guinea Southern containing both administrative district " Gekedo~u and (Gueckedou) Macenta of (Macenta) I have been described , 59 people have " died at least 80 people were confirmed onset of local medical services . He also said the doctor , " With the support of partners ( such as aid organizations and foreign ) , are fighting this epidemic using all means which can last but situation is severe . However we will reach the goal " he said. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), vaccine or cure for Ebola hemorrhagic fever is not present at this time , 25-90% of the patients that died by the type of virus .

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